After I have finished this project, I learned how to download music off of online sites and embed videos. I can turn a YouTube link into an .mp3 by simply putting it into a converter. This also works with videos you have saved as a file. I can put an .mp4 into a converter and turn it into an .mp3. Once it is an audio file, I can export it anywhere I want, even Spotify if I want to listen there! I was also previously unaware of how to embed videos. My teacher showed me how to copy the HTML code and copy it into my blog. I now know how to make the video play immediately from the website. For this project, I learned it is extremely important to keep on top of your work. I got my first production blog done and submitted on time. However, for my second production blog, I fell behind. I did not finish it when it got assigned and I ended up submitting it late. This was my downfall for this project. Once one of the blogs was overdue, everything got pushed back. From this point forward, I will ...