After I have finished this project, I learned how to download music off of online sites and embed videos. I can turn a YouTube link into an .mp3 by simply putting it into a converter. This also works with videos you have saved as a file. I can put an .mp4 into a converter and turn it into an .mp3. Once it is an audio file, I can export it anywhere I want, even Spotify if I want to listen there! I was also previously unaware of how to embed videos. My teacher showed me how to copy the HTML code and copy it into my blog. I now know how to make the video play immediately from the website.
For this project, I learned it is extremely important to keep on top of your work. I got my first production blog done and submitted on time. However, for my second production blog, I fell behind. I did not finish it when it got assigned and I ended up submitting it late. This was my downfall for this project. Once one of the blogs was overdue, everything got pushed back. From this point forward, I will make sure to turn everything in on time.
On my next project, I will make sure to not procrastinate any of the assignments. This will make it easier for me. I won't get frustrated or discouraged. I now also have a better understanding of what my teacher is looking for. I fully recognize the correct way to write and how I can make it better using my resources. I can write more detailed blogs that are more accurate to the topic. This allows me to make better projects and just be an overall better student.
This experience of making the commercial has taught me so much about technology. I can do so many things that I had no clue about before. I am looking forward to doing my music video! This will hopefully use my skills that I have acquired, along with some new ones. I am so grateful to have this experience. This class is so much fun everyday. The overall commercial experience was exciting, memorable, and taught me so much.
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