Pre-Filming Production Blog

Today, we planned our the logistics and schedule for filming the final task! We made our storyboard, which you can see in the blog before this one. We have our ideas for all the shots and scenes we want to include. For example, we thought that only doing our title cards on the actor's notebook would be repetitive. Sammie pitched that we use items around our actor to show the title cards. Very "Napoleon Dynamite". We thought this was a cool idea, but we were unsure how to execute it. Sammie said we could all come over one day and make a pencil engraved with the name of our producer, and a book spine with our editor's name on it. We loved this idea and agreed to come over sometime soon. Next, we had to choose when we would film. We knew there was a half day coming up recently. All of us were free immediately after school, so that time seemed perfect. Once that was figured out, we needed an actor. Amelie said she would love too and she has the most "acting" experience out of all of us. However, we wanted us all to be part of the video somehow. Isaac and I proposed that we would be the ones to record dialogue on a voice memo so we could add it to the background. He wrote the script we already have, so he knew most of the lines. Everything was solved, but Amelie and I realized had somewhere to be at 4 PM on the half day, meaning we could not get every single thing we needed done. We planned that we would finish our task on another day. This also gave Sammie more time to plan out the props, like the pencil and book.


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